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Working together we can make a lasting, meaningful impact.听

We remain focused on delivering measurable improvements in our policies and procedures across all our brands to empower our employees, drive value for our stakeholders, and promote a culture of inclusion and respect. Through the collective efforts of our dedicated teams across all our brands, we鈥檝e made significant progress and are excited to share our 2022 ESG Report, which highlights our commitment to social responsibility and our workforce.听

team hiking towards shared goal
Our Approach

Our success as a Company is a reflection of our incredible team. At the core of our business, you will find the heartbeat of our success 鈥 our passionate workforce. We are thrilled to share some of our recent achievements on this journey.

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Michele McCauley
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Chief Human Resources Officer
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鈥淭hrough our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, we will continue to grow and thrive as a business, driving innovation and delivering exceptional value to our clients and stakeholders.鈥澨

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2022 ESG Report
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We are proud to share the progress made toward our commitments and goals in our 2022 Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Report.